Friday, July 14, 2006


Hollywood Stock Exchange

A few people have asked me about the link to the Hollywood Stock Exchange. It is a virtual Stock exchange where you buy stock on actors or movies. The price of the actors depend on their 'i-dont-really-know-what -and-always-lost-(virtual)-money-with-them' :)

The price of the movies depends on their estimated sucess.
For example, if a MovieStock is priced at H$80, it means that traders expect the film to make $80 million in its first four weeks of wide release.

You start with virtual 2.000.000 H$ and try to make most out of it. I started in 1999 (if i remember right) made quite a bit cash with the LOTR-movies and only recently sold all of my actor-stocks and concentrated on movies. Since then my account skyrockted. I'm at 5.700.000 right now.


Monday, July 10, 2006


AUS! AUS! AUS! Das Spiel ist AUS!

WOW. The party is over. For 4 weeks Germany was Home of the Football! And what a great time we had. Nobody had expected that Germany would be such a great host, that it would be 4 weeks of nonstop party and that Germany would end with the third place. Congratulations to our friends the people from Italy. See you all again for Party 2010 in South Africa.

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